
Monday 11 February 2013

Bad habits

Our dear readers,

If you read our articles last time I started huge topic of healthy lifestyle. Today I will cover the topic on bad habits. However, It is not only about  bad habits that you used to hear about.
Bad habits should be divided into 2 groups:
  • Physical – that directly affect your health
  • Social - that affect your lifestyle                             

I would like to start with first ones. Physical pernicious habits are:
  1. Bad nutrition. Thing that affect your body. I don’t need to explain what obesity is,  right? Try to normalize your food intake and have a plan for it.
  2. Smoking. Guys on my personal experience will tell you that cigarettes give your relaxation only first couple of weeks. After that it starts to kill your heart lungs and moreover eyesight. After 4 months of smoking I felt that I am not able to run as long as I was able to and after each cigarette I feel more nervous until I smoke next one. This is endless cycle.
  3. Drug addiction. This habit kills. First your spirit and then your brain. Only thing that I can say never try drugs, even if it is weed.
  4. Alcohol. When you drunk you lose control over yourself. I don’t think that Man need to lose control. In any situation it can lead to not that good consequences

Now let’s speak about more special bad habits, about social ones:
  1. Social networking. Guys you can read your news feed and it does not require to waste whole day in facebook or twitter. I tell you 100 percent nobody wants to see 1000 000 photos of your shoes and whatever you capture on your camera. If you want to show off it is better to become successful. Don’t waste your time!
  2. Playing computer games. Another time wasting activity. No doubt it is funny to do this with your friend but you don’t need to play 24/7. Moreover it doesn’t give you any benefits.
  3. Surfing the web until 3 a.m. Guys If you need to be in office at 9 a.m. and you don’t sleep enough you are simply not able to operate efficiently.
  4. Don’t believe all information that you receive. In the digital age tones of data come every day. It is really easy to give you direction through info. You should analyze and only then obtain it.

All that I have described above are bad habits that affect modern society. You guys need to analyze it and decide whether you need to keep these habits or to get rid of them. 



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