
Saturday 26 January 2013

Positioning of a product called "MAN"

So Guys, are you ready to be stressed? Now I will tell you something that some of you or maybe even most of you have forgotten. There are 2 types of creatures called people on earth. They are Males and Females.  “Females” is theme for individual topic, or for thousands of topics, but now it does not matter. Recently I was having coffee together with one female friend. I asked her: Hey why don’t you have a boyfriend? You are smart and cute and ... She interrupted me: It is difficult to find a real man nowadays. Guys, you know she is not the only woman who thinks like this. The reason for it is that the meaning of man is being blurred in the 21st century.

It has become normal when the man is sitting at home and his wife is working. Man is running away while his girlfriend is standing in front of mugger. I never thought that something like this can happen, but I have seen that kind of situations. You like to watch all this crazy action movies with Jason Statham or Sylvester Stallone. But in real life you behave like impotent man. You can say that I am tough but in my opinion being a man first of all means to be responsible for your life and life of your close people: your family. Man should have an idea whom he is going to be, what he is going to do. Yes, sometimes there are circumstances, but in most cases you, Guys, are responsible for this circumstances. God gave you nuts not for scratching them lying on the sofa, but to be able to grip yourself by your nut and go and take the right decision, to work, and to reach your goals.

Think about it, and may be in future there will be less disappointed females who say that it is difficult to find a real man.



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