
Thursday 7 February 2013

Do not stop


Today I will tell you one very important thing that you should do. Guys please keep your physical form in good condition. You can say: MR. Captain Obviousness we have read about it 1000000 times and even more about healthy lifestyle. I will explain you based on my own experience. 

I was visiting dojo (place where martial arts are taught)   for 2 years. However I was not able to visit it for half of a year due to really busy schedule and lack of energy after the end of my working day. I was spending my whole day sitting in the office and doing some additional work at home. As the result after 2 months I realized that I simply can not move as fast and as lithe as I used to. But it was only start.

After 5 month one morning I looked in the mirror and I saw stooping man with growing paunch. Guys I lost huge part of my physical abilities in 5 months. By the end of each day I felt tired and I decided to start doing some simple physical exercises like push-ups and pull-ups. As a result after 2 weeks I started to feel myself more energetic person. My muscles started to come back to their form. 2 more weeks and I am able to do 80 push-ups and 25 pull-ups. May be it is not an outstanding result but I felt myself much better I felt more power in my body and more strength in my muscles. After that, I was thinking how come I have more energy if I am losing it doing exercises and I understood one thing: Man have good physical conditions in his genes. Stronger body produces more energy! From the ancient time only strongest could survive it is the jungle law. You can doubt and say how much time have passed but your genes keep information that comes from your ancestors and naturally YOU guys are supposed to be strong!

Conclusion is that you should spend 15-20 minutes a day to make certain physical exercises. It is not bad advice Men 100 percent.



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