
Monday 25 March 2013


Dear readers,
Firstly I would like to apologize for our long absence. Hope that you are still with us and now I promise me, G.A, and my friend Man will post more often.
My post today is theoretical and it consists of a lot of philosophical. Today I want to share you my thoughts and understanding of very important part of your social life named friendship. Ancient saying states: “Tell me who is your friend and I will tell you who you are!” What did our ancestors mean by giving this idea? What is friendship? Who is my real friend and who is fake and plastic?
I think that most of you asked yourself these questions and I will try to give you correct answer. From my point of view friendship is a relationship between two people that are connected with each other on several levels like mental, moral and spiritual. Mental level means that two people have similar way of thinking and worldview. Relations on moral level are more about system of values. Friend regularly has common values.  Spiritual level show how close two people are connected.  

Usually during his life man has a lot of connections and people with whom he has a temporary and common contact. With some people you are becoming closer if it is not a woman than you can call it friendly relationships. However, nowadays meaning and value of friendship has fallen down. People do not trust each other. Material values became more important than moral ones. That is why it is more difficult to find real friends in society. People in a modern society tend to be close with stronger people in order to use them for their own purposes and receive certain outcome from such “friendship”. But one of the main qualities of a good friend is his ability so support you in hard situation and be happy when you are successful. However, fake and plastic “friends” will never understand it.
In addition, your friends play a significant role in your personal development. It can be seen that in a company of friends who smoke person becoming a smoker. That is why I think if your friends are people with strong life position than you will try to be in line with them. If they are successful you will be better motivated to reach a success. Therefore, Guys find a real friend and be real yourself. And do not forget to be open and kind person. People feel your attitude towards them but this is theme for another topic..


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