
Tuesday 15 October 2013

Sex and family

Hello Guys, how are you today? 

Recently was sitting with psychologist that consult unhappy families. Nice female, a good friend of mine. I asked her about most frequent reason of family scandals between woman and a man. Answer was quiet interesting. Yes you are right answer is lack of sex satisfaction for ladies. 

I asked her a question is it possible that in our hi-tech time, when most of people have an access to any knowledge and sexual literature is not an exception, men do not know how to satisfy their bitches, girlfriends, wifes, mistresses? She said no. There are males who just come into her fuck  perform some sexual frictions and that's it. FINITA LA CAMMEDIA. Man fall asleep woman lying in the bad asking herself what was that.

Guy's did you know that some females do not know that they can reach an orgasm? 

Unsatisfied woman is not only females problem no it is social problem. These ladies are not confident, irritable and unhappy. Do you feel good when person who lives with you, sleep in your bed is unhappy? 

Guy's one nice advice for all of you. You should play with her, with her body, with her mind in order to get her excited. I am a man and I can get excited in a few seconds. But females are different without preliminary caress they will not want to have a sex with you.

One more advice communicate with her before sex and after it. Ask her what she likes and how she likes. If she does not know. Teach her. If you do not know how. Find information and read it. You can even read it together.

Your sexual life is important for a healthy relationships. Think about it.



P.S. for mor advices follow us on twitter

Saturday 12 October 2013

A little about parenting

Hey Guys today I want some respond from you please. I want to discuss an issue of surrogacy. Now in Russian Federation it has been legalised and a lot of foreigners as well as Russian residents who can not conceive children due to some health problem started to use this "service". I can say that this trend can be viewed from various points of view. Two majors are:
  • They help unhappy pairs who want child but can not have it. And actually from personal side it is very posititve side. Especially for parents who really wanted this child. But will they be able to grow this child up unspoiled if they desired him/her so much? 
  • Another is that such people can not 100 percent transfer their child even if it was beared by surrogate mother healthy genes. The reason for this is that they can not conceive new human being by themself it means that one of them do not have a good gene of reproduction.
It is just 2 points of view that first came to my mind when I saw this reportage. I am not a medical worker but guys do you know can HIV/AIDS people conceive healthy child by using surrogacy? I will be really happy to hear any answers to this question as well as your opinion about surrogacy in general.



P.S. follow us on twitter

Thursday 10 October 2013

Mind managing

How are you my #hommies? 

Think that you are doing good because a lot of interisting is going to be happen right?:) Life is great and you have to know it. Today you woke up but think of #people who did not and thank God that you and your relatieves are alive and in a good health.

Recently purchased Jay-Z's Magda Carta album and was not dissapointed. Some of you will say oh damn he is listening to a bullshit music. But If you listen him carefuly you will understand what I mean. I listened to this album and understood how good is his #attitude. After that I thought that you know everything in your life depends on your attitude. For instance:

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Woman talks #0.01

Hello dear friends,

Today I spet whole day with a lot of women. Nothing extraordinary. No group sex. It was a dialogue. I asked questions they answered me. At the final dialogue came to relationships as usual))

Monday 7 October 2013

Work or Hobby?

Guys, guys, guys.

What is your job for you?

Just working process that give you sufficient output and you are able to survive? Or it's place where you spend all your life force and after which you came home and feel like a boiled rag?

Some of you guys like your job. If it is so then I envy you honestly!!!:)

But for other part of people work is just a way to earn for live. However from my own experience hobby can be your job. And you can achieve more and be more succesful by doing what you like instead of working for someone.
This is the reason why people who have an aspiration to write and good thoughts start to write blogs or books. They like it and there are a lot of really succesful blogers or that is why people open their own business.

Think about it. If your job does not satisfy you anymore may be it is time to find your way and do what you like and achieve higher results??



Sunday 6 October 2013

New day provides you with a new chance.
Now we are continuing its4man project.
We see that some people are interested in selfdevelopment.
Soon will launch a webpage on our own domain.
And for those who are on twitter follow us: