
Sunday 17 February 2013

Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery


Today I entered the subway and saw a lot of people poring over their smartphones and tabs. Most of them were young men. Majority of them were networking and playing games. At that moment I realized that in 21st century slavery exists and All of us are slaves..

Saturday 16 February 2013

Live your life

 I want to start my message with the words: "Live your life, guys" You know, today a lot of people live not their lives, but other ones. There are a lot of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and especially Instagram :) People want to show that they are cool, cute and so on. In order to achieve this foolish goal they make photos of everything they see, does not matter whether it is connected to their life or not. They take clothes, accessories , put them on, make a photo and they believe that people will think that these "actors" are cool. By the way, the border between male and female today is almost disappeared. Future men today upload 10 photos or more a day, check in beauty salons, make pictures in toilets. I guess that is not a good trend , man is a defender, this is a person who rules family, business and so on.
             Will kids be proud of father who upload more photos a day than 16 years old school girl?

Thursday 14 February 2013

Love is

Dear readers,
Today after Valentine’s Day I decided to be philosophical and write the post about love. This passage is not aimed to give you advice or teach you. This passage consists of my thoughts about love.

I know that most of you do not think about this feeling seriously. Some of you are skeptical and do not consider love as something existing. Actually, it is not only you men, but part of modern women also does not think of love.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Your Time


How do you spend your time and how much work are you able to complete in one day? It is really good question and I think that at the same time it is very important issue.
Usually a man sleeps 6-8 hours a day and therefore has at least 16 hours left. 8 of them he spends at work/college /somewhere else 1-2 hours he spends in the road. Thus Man has still 6 hours of a spare time.
The reason why I am asking how do you spend your time is that most of you, guys, do not spend your time efficiently. No doubt you need to rest after hardworking day, but it does not mean that you should waste whole 6 hours by sitting in social networks or watching TV.

Monday 11 February 2013

Bad habits

Our dear readers,

If you read our articles last time I started huge topic of healthy lifestyle. Today I will cover the topic on bad habits. However, It is not only about  bad habits that you used to hear about.
Bad habits should be divided into 2 groups:
  • Physical – that directly affect your health
  • Social - that affect your lifestyle                             

Saturday 9 February 2013

Top Priority

It is the second part of success theme in our blog and today I want to tell you about priorities. Nowadays it is vital to set priorities, cause a man should see what kind of business or task will bring him more output and which less. 
           So, how to set priorities? 

Thursday 7 February 2013

Do not stop


Today I will tell you one very important thing that you should do. Guys please keep your physical form in good condition. You can say: MR. Captain Obviousness we have read about it 1000000 times and even more about healthy lifestyle. I will explain you based on my own experience. 

I was visiting dojo (place where martial arts are taught)   for 2 years. However I was not able to visit it for half of a year due to really busy schedule and lack of energy after the end of my working day. I was spending my whole day sitting in the office and doing some additional work at home. As the result after 2 months I realized that I simply can not move as fast and as lithe as I used to. But it was only start.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

The Way to Success

success, key elements of success
Today I want to cover the topic which every men concerned with. It is success. First of all I will define what success is. In my view success is being more effective than general public. The question is How to be more effective? There are several methods.